Cards (6)

  • Elbert et al- musicians
    • mri measures somatosensory cortex of musicians vs non musicians
    • musicians had bigger somatosensory cortex bc they use it more
  • Karni et al
    • used fmri to show how practicing finger movements led to more activation of motor cortex
  • Nudo et al- monkeys
    • mapped motor cortex of monkeys as they used hands
    • learning finger sequences= more activation in motor cortex
    • shows plastic changes are continuous and reversible
  • CIMT improves cortical reorganisation- more efficient connections between brain regions
  • CIMT is good for stroke and aphasia pts
  • Schneider (et al. 2014)
    Plasticity and Functional recovery - strength:Concept of cognitive reserve supports this; found that more time patients had spent in education, more likely to have disability-free recovery (DFR).2/5 of those with 16 years education10% of those with 12 years education