Cards (8)

  • Suffragettes
    Helped some women get the vote in 1918
  • WSPU (Women's Social and Political Union)

    Set up in 1903, led by Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters Sylvia and Christabel
  • The WSPU was set up as they were frustrated with the lack of progress achieved by the NUWSS (National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies)
  • WSPU motto
    Deeds not words - they wouldn't speak to people but would carry out different actions
  • Tactics used by the suffragettes
    • Window smashing
    • Campaigning against government buildings
    • Attacking post boxes with acid so letters would be destroyed
    • Chaining themselves to railings
    • Pouring acid on golf courses
  • The suffragettes' violent tactics

    Created massive publicity, especially with the national press becoming interested in their cause
  • The suffragettes' violent tactics
    Alienated the public and lost them sympathy, especially from MPs
  • The most important reason for some women achieving the vote in 1918 was the role of the Suffragettes because their demonstrations made the government take notice of the issue of votes for women