Cards (5)

  • prokaryote
    • e.g. bacteria
    • features - prokaryotic, unicellular, no nucleus, less than 5 um
  • protoctista
    • e.g. algae, protozoa
    • features - eukaryotic cells, usually live in water, single celled or simple multicellular organisms
  • fungi
    • e.g. moulds, yeasts, mushrooms
    • features - eukaryotic, chitin cell wall, saprotrophic (absorb substances from dead or decaying organisms), single-celled or multicellular organisms
  • plantae
    e.g. mosses, ferns, flowering plants
    features - eukaryotic, multicellular, cell walls made of cellulose, can photosynthesize, contain chlorophyll, autotrophic (make own food)
  • Animalia
    e.g. - nematodes, insects, fish, reptiles, birds, mammals
    features - eukaryotic, multicellular, no cell walls, Hetrotrophic (consume plants and animals)