Sociology: Study of human interactions of social environment including their social behaviors
What is the difference between Macro and Micro Sociology?
Macro- Large social institutions and entire society
Micro- Roles of small groups or individual have in society
Positivism: The strict application of scientific method to obtain information to understand society.
Structural functionalism: Society is stable when social institutions function in a way that meets the needs of its citizens
Emile Durkheim: He thought that although suicide is a personal decisions, its causes are rotted in society
Conflict Theory: Power imbalances between groups. Those with power seek to keep it - political, economic, gender, or race issue
Karl Marx: The power imbalance between the wealthy and poor
Feminism: Social equality for all sexes (more so women)- Men status are ties to economic while women status are based on their sexual connection to men
Dorothy Smith: Women have been marginalized in a male dominated society
Symbolic Interactionalism: Social values are formed by an individuals interactions and interpretation - NOT based on social systems but MICRO sociology
Charles Cooley: LOOKING GLASS SELF- An individuals sense of self is mirrored and reflected by others (Relations to others)
Socialization: Process were you learn particular ways of a group
Must occur through interactions
Most learned through ages 1-10
Goals of socialization
Ensure existence on society
Ensure preservation and society stability
Help society to improve
To pass values and norms
Agents of socialization:
Primary: The family basic social skills of language, manners, behavior
Secondary: Friends, School, Work, Religion
Anticipatory Socialization: Preparing appropriate behavior ahead of new situations
Resocialization: The process of returning a person to society after being removed from it.
What is a social group?
Two of more people who chares these for characteristics...
Interact regularly
Have a shared identity/goal
Have socialstructure informal or formal
Have certain values, behaviors and goals
Ex. Family, Workplace, School
Aggregates: Group of people who happen to be at the same place at the same time
ex. People at bus station, shoppers at mall
Social Category: Group of people who have similar appearance or situations (No regular interaction or sense of identity with each other)
Ex. Homeless people, Tourists
What is a role: The expected behavior of an individual in a social institution
What is a norm: Rules the indicate how people should act and what they should do
Mores: Highly regarded norms which are often never broken (or made laws)
Folkways: Everyday interactions with people concerning proper manners (Holding doors, saying thank you, tipping)
What is a sanction? Formal or informal penalty or reward to ensure conformity to norms Formal Sanctions: Public displays of punishments or rewards (Scholarships, Arrests, Expulsions)
Social Institution: Social framework which functions to meet the needs of its members
Family Institution: Responsible for taking care of children and members emotionally- Reproduction, Primary socialization
Economic institutions: Responsible for regulates the distribution of goods and services- teaches values of money and hard work
Governmental institutions: Responsible for instilling pride for their nation amoung citizens- providing welfare- enforce the laws
Educational institutions: Prepares students for workforce- passes on skills, values, and knowledge
Religious institutions: Responsible for satisfying spiritual needs -providing guidelines and purpose to life
Deviance: A violation of the norms and values of a group or society. Ex. Stalking, murder, barking at people, holding a strangers hand. talking loud in a theatre
Functionalist on deviance: Robert Merton's stated that deviance is a result of opportunities for people to achieve goalsnot being present.
Ex. Poor people can't easily gain money thus they steal
Conflict Theory on Deviance: Deviance likely to occur when an individual feels alienated.
Alienation: Feeling of isolation (like an outsider) within society
Alienation may cause deviance to...
Gain attention
Feel apart of a group
Less feeling toward conforming to norms and sanctions
Unequal social rewards or privileges
Stereotyping: Using exaggerated and generalized judgments on a group of people
Learned from parents or peers
Causes the stereotypes group to feel estranged
The creation of false facts leading to mistreatment
Lead to prejudice
Prejudice: Opinion or attitude that is based on preconceived ideas or stereotypes.
Prejudice Theories (Where prejudice is gained/comes from):
Learned: From parents, peers etc.
Competition: When one feels threatened, they deny others rights
Frustration-Aggression: Displacing frustrations on another groups whom they deem scapegoats (people blamed)
Ignorance: Lack of experience with a group
Discrimination: One acting out their prejudice. Treating those unfairly based on certain characteristics.
Ex. Bullying, Injustice against black people, Indian Act
Racism: Discrimination against race
Ableism: Discrimination against certain disabilities
Sexism: Discriminations against gender
Ageism: Discrimination against age
Classism: Discrimination against social class, economic background
Bullying: The act of putting someone down and making them feel bad
Upstander: One who does the right things in the face of a conflict; Takes action and tries to resolve the issue
Bystander: Those who stay back and do not intervene to help a conflict
Practical strategies to be an upstander:
Do something: Just act and take action
Distract: Create a diversion to separate those involved in a situation
Delegate: Go outside your comfort zone to help or go out your way to find assistance
Benefits of online Dating:
More Variety of people
Can search for people with your desired interests
Easy access (24/7)
Meet people quickly
Cons of online Dating:
Use Gamification (making it a game) -addicting
Dehumanizes people ("Shopping" for partners)
Fake profiles
Takes away the excitement of meeting face to face
Clique: Small, exclusive groups of people with common features or interests