Comprises of altering genetic material outside an organism to obtainenhanced and desired characteristics in living organisms
Stem Cells, Embryonic Cells?
Created by introducing newgenetic materials into an embryo of an organism (Can be passed onto offspring)
Stem Cells, Adult Transgenic Organism?
Introducing newgeneticmaterial into cells of an alreadydevelopedorganism (Cannot be passed onto offspring)
What is Coevolution?
When two or more species have a close relationship and influence each other's evolution
What is Genetic Drift?
Where the frequency of certain genes within a population can change by chance (Random)
What is Isolation?
The separation of a species or population, preventing it from interbreeding with other members of its species
What is Speciation?
The process by which newspeciesarise from a single ancestral species
What is Punctuated Equilibrium?
Theory that suggests that species often evolve in rapidchange followed by longperiods of stability where littlechange occurs
What is a Cladogram?
Diagram used to show the relationships between differentgroups or organisms based on shared characteristics
What is Gradualism?
Theory that suggests that evolution occurs gradually and continuously over a long period of time (Changes slow and steadily)
What is Prokaryotic?
Simple cells that don't have a distinct nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles, smaller and lesscomplex than Eukaryotes
What is Eukaryotic?
More complex cells that have a distinct nucleusenclosed within a membrane along with other membraneboundorganelles
What is Conjugation?
The process of genetic transfer between twobacterial cells
What are Ecological Roles?
The specific functions and interaction that a species has within an ecosystem
What is Radial Symmetry?
Bodyparts are arranged around a centralaxis (Like jellyfish and sea anemones)
What is Bilateral Symmetry?
Has a distinct front and back, as well as top and bottom (Like worms, insects, and mollusks)
What is Asymmetry?
Displays asymmetrical body structures where there isn't a specificsymmetrypattern (Like Sponges)
What is Spherical Symmetry?
Similarbodyparts radiate from a central point in multiple directions
What is the Nervous System?
Complex network of nerves and cells that transmitsignals between different parts of the body
What is Cephalization?
The evolutionary trend where nervous tissue, sensory organs, and feeding structures become concentrated in the head or end of an organism
What is Organization?
The arrangement and structure of the components within an organism as well as the coordination of those components to carry out specificfunctions
What are Digestive Tracts?
Longhallowtube that extends from the mouth to anus and its responsible for the digestion and absorption of food and nutrients
What is a Filter Feeder?
Feeds by strainingmatter and food particles from water
What is Cellular Respiration?
Process where cells break down glucose and other foodmolecules to produceenergy in a form of ATP
What is the Neuron function?
Specialized cells that transmitinformation in the form of chemical and electricalsignals
Brain function?
Processes information from senses, controlling movements, regulatingbodily functions like breathing and heart rate
Blood Flow Pattern?
Heart pumps oxygenrichblood to body through arteries, delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues, blood returns to heart then gets oxygenated
Blood Pressure?
The force of bloodpushing against the walls of your bloodvessels
Heart Function?
Pumpblood throughout body, when heartbeats it sends oxygen and nutrientrichblood to organs and tissues
Blood Clotting?
When a bloodvessel is damaged, platelets arrive first to plug the hole then a series of chemical reactions happen to form a clot to stop the bleeding and heal the wound faster
Regulation of Breathing?
When your brain senses a change, it sends signals to your diaphragm and other breathingmuscles to speed up or slow down
Regulation of Blood?
Involves many various systems working together, like insulin controlling blood sugar levels
What is Homeostasis?
Many different systems working to regulate and maintain a stableenvironmentinside you