Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI)

Cards (6)

  • FMRI?
    measures blood flow to the brain when someone performs a task, neurons are most active during tasks that use the most energy.
  • FMRI- method?
    depict and create a 3D moving map of the brain. highlighting the areas involved. shows activity 1-4 seconds after and accurate to 1-2mm
  • Strength?
    non-invasive and is risk free, allows more patients/ppts to undertake fMRI scans which could help further data on the functioning of the human brain.
  • Weakness?
    high cost and low practicality
  • weakness?
    lack of precision makes interpretations difficult since areas that light up on images may overlap with different actions so hard to determine origin
  • strength?
    good spatial resolution. allows psychologist to discriminate between different brain regions with greater accuracy. allows psychologists to determine the activity of different brain regions with greater accuracy.