Cards (13)

  • Happens when there is awareness and identification of the person. 

  • Relates to how one perceives oneself.
  • Refers to the combination of relatives that comprise a family. 

    Family structure
  • Types of family
    1. Nuclear family
    2. Single-parent family
    3. Extended family
    4. Step family
    5. Grandparent family
  • Comprises a couple and at least one child.
    Nuclear family
  • This is also called 'conjugal families.'
    Nuclear family
  • Consists of one parent, either a father or a mother, exclusively taking up the responsibility of raising his or her children.
    Single-parent family
  • A structure of two parents, children, aunts, uncles, grandparents, or non-relatives living together under one roof.
    Extended family
  • Also called a reconstituted family. 

    Step family
  • Formed by the joining of two adults through marriage, cohabitation, or civil partnership.
    Step family
  • Composed of the grandparents and the grandchildren living together as a family.
    Grandparent family
  • A pictorial display of a person's family relationships and medical history.
  • Was first used and made popular in the clinical setting by
    Monica McGoldrick and Randy Gerson