
Cards (6)

  • Infradian rhythms?
    last longer than 24 hours e.g the menstrual cycle. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) psychologist claim that melatonin secreted during the night is responsible.
  • Reinburg (1967)?
    examined a woman who spent 3 months in cave with a small light. menstrual cycle shortened from 28 days to 25.7 days. lack of exogenous zeitgeber affected menstrual cycles.
  • Russel et al (1980)?
    through odour exposure female menstrual cycles became synced. another study rubbed the sweat of one group on the upper lip of the other group, cycles became synced.
  • Rusell et al (1980)?

    external factors must be taken in consideration when investigating infradian, maybe a more holistic approach should be taken in
  • Penton- Volk et al (1999)?
    woman expressed preference feminised faces at the least fertile stage and masculine face at their most fertile point. indicates that women’s sexual behaviour is motivated by their infradian rhythms, highlighting the importance of studying infradian rhythms in relation to human behaviour.
  • Terman (1988)?
    SAD is more common in Northern countries where the winter nights are longer. 10% in New Hampshire and 2% in Southern Florida