Endogenous pacemakers & Exogenous Zeitgebers?

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  • Endogenous pacemakers?
    internal mechanisms that govern biological rhythms. they can be altered and affected by the environment.
  • SCN?
    lies in the hypothalamus control other biological rhythms, send signals to the pineal glans which leads to increased in melatonin at night.
  • Exogenous Zeitgebers?
    External cues that synchronize our biological rhythms, such as light, temperature, and social interactions.
  • SNC?
    contains light sensitive receptors. melanopsin is a protein in the eye sensitive to the light carries the signals to the SCN to set 24 hr daily body cycle.
  • Morgan (1955)?
    bred hamster with a SCN with a circadian rhythms of 20 hrs, transplanted to normal hamsters which displayed 20 hrs circadian rhythms.
  • Skene Arendt?
    majority of blind people who still have light perception had normal circadian rhythms. those without light perception had an abnormal circadian rhythms.
  • Biologically reductionist?
    Behaviourism would suggest that bodily rhythms are influenced by other people and social norms.