Position Of Parliament

Cards (7)

  • Gained strength from realisation King needed them and led by able, educated experienced, conviction politicians
  • In contract with Scots to keep up pressure on King and supported by Londoners
  • The majority of Commons and Lords were united in aim to remedy worse abuses of personal rule and restore a good relationship with King
  • Network of connections established across Lords and Commons like the Puritan network – contact maintained during PR
  • However united by their dislikes, not united by their aims Eg wide range of opinion aboutreligious reform and nature of royal/ parliamentary relationship. This disunity gave Charles a loophole to exploit
  • The House of Commons was united in its aims to remedy worse abuses of personal rule by the removal of Evil Counsellors and the permanent abolition of the abuses of Personal Rule
  • Both Wentworth and Laud were blamed for the misrule of Personal Rule leading to their arrest, impeachment. They were sent to the Tower of London.