Evolutionary perspective of plant-pollinator coevolution
1. Early angiosperms with nectar evolved
2. Pollinators take advantage of this available food source
3. Plants with more scent and vibrant colors (blue or red-orange) get visited more often
4. More pollination = more seeds = population with the selected phenotype increased
5. Microevolution happened = new phenotypes emerged (e.g. longer tubes, more complex structure = longer chance of contact between pollen and pollinator)
6. Pollinators which can access nectar from these structures are selected (e.g. individuals which cannot access nectar died out or moved to other more accessible flowers)
7. Pollinators associate certain plant characters to availability of nectar
8. Certain plant features make them more attractive to specific pollinators
9. Pollinators develop adaptations allowing them to access this nectar (co-adaptation)