Cards (7)

  • Self disclosure
    > Revealing personal information about yourself
    > Share likes and dislikes and our interests and attitudes
    > Allowing us to understand our partner better
  • Social penetration theory
    > Altmans and Taylors social penetration theory is a concept of how relationships develop
    > It is the gradual process of revealing yourself to someone and revealing your inner self, feelings and deep secrets
    > When one partner discloses something they are signalling they trust the other person
  • Social penetration theory 2
    > In order for them to disclose more the other partner may also reveal sensitive information about themselves (reciprocal exchange)
    > As the increasingly disclose more and reciprocate self disclosure, they gain a deeper understanding of one another, and the romantic relationship deepens and increases attraction
  • Breadth and depth of disclosure - Onion theory
    > As breadth and depth increases the couple become more committed to each other
    > At the beginning of a relationship we reveal low risk information eg. friends and family
    > If too much deep information is revealed too early on in a relationship it can threaten the relationships development
    > Eventually in a committed relationship, people disclose intimate, high risk information eg. painful memories
  • Self disclosure AO3
    :) RTS Sprecher and Hendrick
    > Studied heterosexual dating couples and found strong correlations between several measures of satisfaction and self-disclosure
    > Men and women who used self-disclosure and those who believed their partner reciprocated were more satisfied and committed
    > Therefore, increasing the validity of reciprocated self-disclosure as a factor affecting attraction
  • Self-disclosure AO3
    :( Sprechers and Hendricks research is correlational
    > Cause and effect cannot be established between self-disclosure and attraction levels
    > The more satisfied the partners are, the more they disclose or there could be another intervening factor eg the amount of time they spend together
    > Limiting the support and internal validity of the research into self-disclosure as a factor affecting attraction
  • Self-disclosure AO3
    :( Limited by cultural relativism
    > The theory that self-disclosure increases attraction in romantic relationships is more relevant to western relationships
    > Low levels of self-disclosure in China, levels of satisfaction in relationships were no different from those in the USA
    > Therefore lowering the external validity of self-disclosure as a factor affecting attraction