
Cards (10)

  • for some resistors, the value of R can change as the current changes, but for others it remains constant
  • the current through an ohmic conductor at a constant temperature is direcly proportional to the potential difference across the resistor
  • the resistance of components such as lamps, diodes, thermistors and LDRs is not constant, it changes with the current through the component
  • The resistance of a filament lamp increases as the temperature of the filament increases
  • the current through a diode flows in one direction only
  • the diode has a very high resistance in the reverse direction to the current which flows only one way through it
  • the resistance of a thermistor decreases as the temperature increses
  • thermistors are used in:
    • ovens
    • fridges
    • fire alarms
    • digital thermometers
    • boilers
  • the resistance of an LDR decreases as light intensity increases
  • investigate current - voltage graphs:
    • connect the circuit
    • ensure that the power supply is set to 0 at the start
    • record the reading on the voltmeter and ammeter
    • use the variable resistor to alter the potential difference
    • record the new readings on the voltmeter and ammeter
    • repeat pets three and four, each time increasing the pd slightly
    • reverse the power supply connections and repeat steps two to six
    • plot a graph od current again pd
    • repeat experiment with fixed resistor as a bulb