Mains Electricity

Cards (9)

  • most electrical appliances are connected to the mains using three-core cablle
  • the insulation covering each wire is colour coded for easy identification:
    • live wire - brown
    • neutral wire - blue
    • earth wire - green and yellow stripes
  • the live wire carries the alternating potential difference from the supply
  • the neutron wire completes the circuit
  • the earth wire is a safety wire to stop the appliance becoming live
  • the potential difference between the live wire and the earth (0V) is about 230V.
  • the neutral wire is at or close to earth potential
  • the earth wire is at 0V as it only carries a current if there is a fault
  • a live wire can be dangerous even when a switch in the mains circuit remains open, as if the circuit became complete, even accidentally, a large potential difference would start and could electrocute someone