Animal cells

Cards (14)

  • EUKARYOTIC cells make up multicellular organisms such as plants and animals. They are complex cells with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
  • Nucleus
    • double membrane called the nuclear envelope
    • Nuclear envelope has holes called nuclear pores, which allows the passage of molecules such as mRNA, in and out of the nucleus. mRNA is needed to make proteins
    • Within the dense nucleolus, RNA and ribosomes are made
    • also contains chromatin which is made of DNA coiled around proteins called histones.
  • Mitochondrion
    • site of ATP production by aerobic respiration
    • ATP releases energy for cellular and metabolic reactions
    • have double membrane, inner is highly folded to form cristae to increase surface area for the attachment enzymes such as ATP synthase
    • mixtrix - chemical reactions take place in the fluid filled space
  • three parent baby
    • mother - nucleus
    • donor - mitochondria
    • father - nucleus/sperm
  • rough endoplasmic reticulum
    • 80S Ribosomes site of protein (polypeptide) synthesis
    • Proteins for secretion outside the cell are transported inside the cisternae (flattened sacs)
    • RER synthesises AND transports proteins throughout the cell.
    • In the RER proteins are packaged into vesicles ready for transport
  • smooth endoplasmic reticulum
    • Responsible for the synthesis and transport of lipids
    • no ribosomes
  • 80s ribosomes
    • Tiny organelles attached to the RER or free floating in the cell.
    • They are the site of protein synthesis (linking together amino acids)
    • Made up of 2 rRNA proteins subunits (made in the nucleolus).
  • Golgi apparatus
    • The Golgi apparatus sorts and modifies proteins (and lipids), then packages these into vesicles to be transported.
    • Golgi vesicles are also used to form lysosomes
  • Lysosomes
    • Small spherical membrane bound sacs containing hydrolytic enzymes.
    • These enzymes digest pathogens (e.g., bacteria) AND breakdown waste materials including worn out organelles
  • Secretion of proteins by exocytosis
    • DNA in nucleus contains genetic code to make proteins
    • New protein is synthesised on ribosomes
    • Protein is transported through rough ER
    • Vesicles pinched off from the rough ER (with polypeptide chains inside) are transported to the Golgi apparatus
    • Vesicle fuses with Golgi membrane and contents are shed into Golgi sacs
    • Proteins are built into more complex molecules such as enzymes or glycoproteins
    • Vesicles containing modified proteins (for secretion or cell membrane) bud off at the other end of the Golgi
    • Vesicles fuse with cell membrane
  • Secretion of proteins by exocytosis pt2
    • protein released by exocytosis
    • Lysosomes (contain digestive enzymes
  • Centrioles
    • These fibres pull the chromosomes apart during cell division (known as mitosis).
    • These organelles are not found in plant cells.
  • Plasma membrane
    • Composed of a phosholipid bilayer, with proteins and other biological molecules embedded in the layer.
    • The membrane is selectively permeable and therefore regulates which molecules can be transported in and out of the cell.
    • Separates cell contents from the outside environment.
  • Cytoplasm
    • where metabolic reactions occur