Renewable sources of Energy

Cards (11)

  • Renewable energy resource

    One that is being or can be replenished as it's used
  • Renewable energy resources
    • Wind power
    • Solar power
    • Hydroelectric power
    • Tidal power
    • Biofuels
    • Geothermal
  • Advantages of renewable energy resources
    • They'll never run out
    • They do not add any carbon dioxide to the atmosphere
  • Disadvantages of renewable energy resources

    • Wind power and solar power are not reliable
    • Habitats are destroyed when dams are built for hydroelectric power and valleys are flooded
    • Tidal power may be harmful to wildlife
    • Wave power is still small-scale and experimental
    • Geothermal energy is not used much in the UK
    • Most energy use in the UK is for transport which is not easily replaced by renewable electricity
  • Biofuels
    Produced from plant materials, carbon neutral as the growing plant took in carbon dioxide
  • Biofuels can be used to power vehicles such as cars and buses
  • Using land to grow crops for biofuel could push up the price of food
  • Tidal Power ?

    Proposal to build a tidal barrage across the river estuary
  • A tidal barrage will only generate electricity at high tide so it cannot supply constant power like other forms of electricity generation.
  • The barrage would have turbines that turn as water flows through them.
  • Wave Power Disadvantages?

    • Disturbs the seabeds and habitats of marine animls , spoils the view
    • Poses a hazard to boats
    • Unreliable
    • Small scale and initial costs are high