
Cards (4)

  • Functionalism
    All mental states can be characterised in terms of functional roles which can be multiply realised.
  • The possibility of a functional duplicate with different qualia (issue with functionalism)
    • The spectrum of private colour qualia I experience could be systematically inverted in comparison to others.
    • However I use the vocabulary of colour terms in the same way so never notice the difference.
    • According to functionalism we would be identical, but this seems counter-intuitive.
  • The possibility of functional duplicate with no qualia
    • Ned Block imagined the population of China working together to control a body and realising an identical functional economy to the human brain.
    • The body behaves in the same way a human would when experiencing mental states.
    • According to functionalism the body would have a mind, even though we do not feel it would experience qualia.
  • The knowledge/Mary argument applied to functionalism
    P1: Mary knows all the functional facts involved in colour vision.
    P2: But she learns something new when she experiences colour vision herself.
    C1: Therefore there is more to learn about colour vision than what is given in the complete functional account of it.
    C2: Therefore functionalism is false.