Radioactive decay is the random process where nucleus gives out radiation as it changes so it becomes more stable.
absorbed by the skin and sheet of paper
helium atom with 2 protons and neutrons
most ionising
least dangerous from a distance
absorbed by aluminium
ejected from the nucleus as neutrons turn to protons
less ionising than alpha
most dangerous at a mid range.
Most penetrating (most dangerous at a distance)
least ionising
can be stopped by thick lead or concrete.
electrom radiation from the nucleus.
Half-life is the time taken for number of nuclei in and isotope to halve.
charge flow = current x time
If resistance increases, current decreases.
Direct current - passes through in the same direction. Current of cells and batteries.
Alternating current - changes direction of current in the National Grid.
Earth wire ( yellow and green) there for safety, stops appliance from becoming live.
Live wire ( brown ) 230V - carries alternating potential difference from power supply.
Neutral wire ( blue ) completes the circuit.
Step up transformer - increases potential difference from the power station to transmission cables. This reduces current and thermal energy making it more efficient.
Step down transformer - decreases the potential difference to increase safety.
Thermistor - at a low temp, there’s high resistance. at a higher temperature resistance decreases.
LDR - at a low light, resistance is high. At high light intensity, resistance decreases.