Term 2

Cards (83)

  • Russia fought alongside Britain, France and their allies in World War I
  • Russia had high number of deaths and food shortages in World War I
  • Russia had a disconnected royalty and political leaders
  • The Russian Revolution of 1917 established Russia as the first Communist state
  • The Russian royal family (Czars) were executed in late 1917
  • The USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was established in 1922 after the Civil War ended
  • The USSR suppressed any opposition and became a dictatorship by 1939
  • The USSR fought with Allied forces AGAINST Germany in World War II
  • Tsar/Czar
    Emperor of Russia (Romanov family)
  • Capitalism
    • System of government is democratic
    • Property is privately owned
    • Driven by free enterprise
    • Wealth distributed unevenly
    • Education and health care provided by private entities
    • Defined by Classes - upper, working, lower
    • Focus is on the individual and his/her own progress in life
  • Communism
    • System of government is totalitarian
    • Property is owned by the state
    • No free enterprise is allowed
    • Wealth distributed equally
    • Education and health care provided by the state
    • Press controlled and owned by the state
    • Classless society: all members of society are considered to be equal
    • Focus is on the progress of the community as a whole
  • After World War II, the world was divided ideologically into Capitalist (Western European Countries and United States) and Communist (USSR and Eastern European countries)
  • The United States and the Soviet Union worked together during World War II
    But it was an uneasy alliance
  • Totalitarianism
    A form of government that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens
  • Reasons for mistrust between the US and Soviet Union
    • Opposing ideologies and aims
    • The US and its Western allies supported capitalism and democracy, while the Soviet Union supported communism and totalitarianism
  • Ideologies vs Reality
    • Capitalism: Ideology - Everyone can have the opportunity to improve their lives, Reality - Often ends with many people living in extreme poverty
    • Communism: Ideology - Everyone is treated equally and has what they need, Reality - Usually becomes a dictatorship where people have few rights and are oppressed
  • They set aside their differences
    Because they faced a common enemy - Hitler
  • The Soviet Union was attacked by Nazi Germany

    After Hitler broke his non-aggression pact with Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in 1941
  • Japan signed a treaty with Germany and Italy (Axis Powers)
  • The United States offered assistance to the Soviet Union
    In the form of weapons and supplies through the Lend-Lease Act passed in 1941
  • Japan bombed Pearl Harbour - US Naval Base in Hawaii - which brought fighting to the Pacific and East
  • Cooperation between the US and the USSR broke down
    After Nazi Germany was defeated
  • America lost many ships and soldiers in the Pacific
  • Disputes emerged over various postwar issues
    Particularly over the fate of Poland
  • Germany surrendered to Allied forces on 7 May 1945
  • Mistrust deepened between the US and USSR
    Leading to Winston Churchill's warning of an "iron curtain" descending through the middle of Europe
  • VE Day - 8th May - End of WWII in Europe celebrated
  • Cold War
    The US and the Soviet Union were not involved in a direct confrontation or "hot war" with each other, but continually antagonized each other through political maneuvering, military coalitions, espionage, propaganda, arms buildups, economic aid, and proxy wars between other nations
  • Fighting in the Pacific continued after the end of WWII in Europe
  • Stalin created a "buffer zone" of Eastern European countries
    That were supposed to have free elections under an agreement with the US and Great Britain at the Yalta Conference in 1945
  • How WWII really ended
    1. 6 August 1945 - Aircraft Enola Gay dropped first atomic bomb on Hiroshima
    2. 9 August 1945 - Americans dropped a second bomb on Nagasaki
    3. Japan formally surrendered on 2 September 1945
  • Stalin broke this agreement
    By installing communist regimes in these Eastern European countries between 1945 and 1948
  • US President Harry Truman countered Stalin's expansionist move

    With a policy of containment
  • Atomic Bomb "Little Boy"

    Dropped on Hiroshima, 90% of the city was destroyed
  • Containment
    A strategy in which the Soviets would be prevented – militarily if necessary – from using force to export their ideology abroad
  • In 1939, Einstein and other German scientists warned that Nazi Germany was working on atomic bombs
  • Actions resulting from the policy of containment

    • The US offering economic recovery assistance to Western Europe through the Marshall Plan in 1948
    • The formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) between the US, Canada, and other Western European countries
  • Stalin attempted his own form of containment
    In response to what he perceived as a threatening Western takeover of Germany in 1948
  • The US started the nuclear program called "Manhattan Project" led by Robert Oppenheimer
  • Truman (American President) dropped the atomic bombs to avoid more Allied forces dying in the Pacific