Truman and Ike Domestic Policy

Cards (27)

  • impact of divided party
    struggled to pass legislation despite having Dem Congress
  • 21 point programme

    Congress to pass a series of social reforms - almost all rejected
  • Rep Congress by
  • 22 amendment

    limited President to two terms
  • why did Truman fail to pass his liberal legislation
    watered down or blocked by Congress
  • criticisms of Truman
    not doing enough for CR, too much for Israel and not being able to handle Congress
  • Truman's 'Fair Deal' (4)
    extension of New Deal
    - reformed tax system
    - social security
    - CR
    - federal aid for farmers, education and public housing
  • In Truman's 7 years how many vetoes did he make
    250 bills vetoed and Congress passed 12 over him
  • I like Ike'
    campaign broadcast produced by Roy Disney
    - 40 mil owned TVs
  • 2 networks refused to air 'Eisenhower Answers America'
    NBC and CBS
  • how much did Eisenhower spend on TV campaign
    $1-2 mil
  • how many black candidates appointed to public positions under Ike
  • Californian Desegregation
    under Ike everything (army, schools etc.) desegregated
  • Interstate Highways Act
    - 41,000 miles of highway
    - fed supplied 90% of money ($30 billion)
    - created 1000s of jobs
  • who created Dept of Health, Education and Welfare
  • cost of polio vaccine campaign
    $30 mil
  • raise in NMW under Ike
    75c to $1/hr
  • Social Security extension under Ike
    extended to 10.5 mil people
  • how much did Eisenhower spend on low-cost housing
    $1 billion
  • National Defense Education Act

    - $887 mil for science, language teaching and student loans for science related course
  • when was NASA created
    - efforts to win space race
  • number of Blacks that still lived in the South under Ike
    6/10 million
  • Brown vs Board
    court decision that declared state laws segregating schools to be unconstitutional. Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
  • 1957 Civil Rights legislation

    - pushed by Attorney General but not Ike
  • only ../4 of eligible blacks registered to vote under Ike
  • Kerr-mills Bill
    gave matching fed money to states that set up healthcare for elderly poor
    - very few states did
  • 1960 election (3)

    - 1st TV debate: JFK wore blue suit, Nixon blended into background with grey suit
    - Kennedy's call for New Frontier appealed to many amidst social and cultural divisions
    - Dirty Tricks: Illinois swung towards JFK when Nixon should have won