behaviourist approach

Cards (5)

  • what are the approaches
    behaviourists, learning, cognitive, biological, psychodynamic, humanistic.
  • what is the behaviourist approach
    watson: rejected introspection, relied on lab studies to control. all behavour is learned- baby's mind=blank slate.
    2 important forms of learning: classical and operant.
  • what is classical conditioning- behaviourist approach
    learning through association- pavlov: dogs conditioned to salivate to sound of bell if presented when given food. bell= neutral stim can elite new response called conditioned response.
  • what is operant conditioning- behaviourist
    skinner: consequences, positive reinforcement=rewarded for behaviour
    negative reinforcement= avoiding something unpleasant
  • evaluation of behaviourist approach
    ✅well controlled: lab settings and extraneous variables removed.
    ✅real world app; operant conditioning used in psyc wards etc.
    ❌environmental determinism: ignores influence of free will