Immune Response

Cards (11)

  • What is an immune response?

    • A series of bodily processes that ensure that any invading pathogen is quickly identified and destroyed before damage is caused to the individual
  • What is a pathogen?
    • A microorganism that causes disease, they cause disease by damaging host cells and tissues
  • What are the two types of responses to infection?
    • non-specific response and specific response.
  • What is a non-specific immune response?
    • An immediate response of the body that is the same for any pathogen, e.g. phagocytosis
  • What is a specific immune response?
    • A less rapid response of the body to a specific antigen on a specific pathogen, this can be mediated or humoral
  • Markers on cell surfaces allow the immune system to tell the difference between:
    • Self - the body's own cells
    • Non-self - Any cell that doesn't originate from your body or is infected
  • What is an antigen?
    • A protein molecule that stimulates an immune response.
  • What are antibody's produced by and why?
    • They're protein molecules that are produced by B plasma lymphocytes in response to a specific non-self antigen
  • Antibodies have a specific tertiary structure
    • The shape of the antigen binding site on the antibody is complementary to the antigen
    • The antigen binds to the antibody to form an antigen-antibody complex
  • Antigen-antibody complex diagram
  • What is a phagocyte?
    • A type of white blood cell