Structural and functional unit of the kidney, 1 million per kidney
Parts of a nephron
Bowman's capsule
Proximal convoluted tubule
Loop of Henle
Distal convoluted tubule
Bowman's capsule
Inner visceral layer composed of podocytes, Parietal layer composed of simple squamous epithelium
Renal (Malpighian) corpuscle
Glomerulus plus Bowman's capsule
Components of the juxtaglomerular apparatus
JG cells
Macula densa
Mesangial cells
Mechanism of urine formation
1. Glomerular filtration
2. Tubular reabsorption
3. Tubular secretion
Glomerular filtration
Acts as a filter, 1/5 of blood flowing through the kidneys is filtered from the glomeruli, Through filtration membrane
Pressures acting on the glomerulus
Glomerular hydrostatic pressure
Glomerular osmotic pressure
Capsular hydrostatic pressure
Net Filtration Pressure
Force responsible for filtrate formation, Calculated as glomerular hydrostatic pressure - (glomerular oncotic pressure + capsular hydrostatic pressure)
Glomerular Filtration Rate
Amount of filtrate formed per minute, Equal to 125ml/min, Directly proportional to the net filtration pressure
Tubular reabsorption
The process of returning needed substances from the filtrate to the capillary blood, Can be active or passive
PCT is the most active, 80% of filtrate, nutrients, water and Na, the bulk actively transported ions are reabsorbed here
Reabsorption in DCT tubule and collecting duct is controlled by Aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone
Tubular secretion
Adding substance to the filtrate from blood or tubular cells, Can be active or passive, Important in eliminating urea, excess ions, drugs, and maintaining acid-base balance
Urine osmolarity ranges from 50-1200mosm
Hyperosmolarity of the medullary fluid ensures that the urine reaching the DCT is hypo-osmolar
In the absence of ADH, urine becomes diluted
When Blood ADH increases, the permeability of DCT and collecting duct to water increases
Renal Clearance
The rate at which the kidneys clear the plasma for a particular solute
10 inches long muscular tube, 3anatomical constrictions: at the uretero-pelvic junction, where iliac vessels cross the ureter, where it joins the urinary bladder
Urinary bladder
Hollow muscular organ, Wall consists of detrusor muscle, Inner trigone occupied by ureteral orifices and urethral orifice
Parts of the male urethra
Female urethra
4 cm, opens into vestibule
The kidneys are located on either side of the vertebral column, just below the diaphragm.