Chemistry - Topic 1 - Atomic Structure

Cards (43)

  • Atom
    Mainly made up of protons and neutrons, contained in the middle, with electrons orbiting in shells
  • Atom
    • Protons have a positive charge
    • Neutrons have a zero charge
    • Electrons have a negative charge
  • Relative mass
    Protons and neutrons have a relative mass of 1, electrons have a relative mass of 1/2000
  • Element
    Top number is the mass number (protons + neutrons), bottom number is the atomic number (protons)
  • All atoms are neutral, with the number of protons equal to the number of electrons
  • Ion
    Has a different number of electrons and protons, forming a stable charge
  • Negative ion
    • O2- has gained 2 electrons
    • Na+ has lost 1 electron
  • Isotopes
    Elements with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
  • Isotopes of carbon
    • Carbon-12
    • Carbon-13
    • Carbon-14
  • History of atomic models
    1. Dalton - atoms are solid spheres
    2. Thomson - plum pudding model
    3. Rutherford - discovered nucleus
    4. Bohr - fixed energy levels and electron shells
  • Time-of-flight mass spectrometer
    • Vaporizes sample
    • Ionizes sample
    • Accelerates ions
    • Ions drift at constant speed
    • Ions detected based on mass-to-charge ratio
  • Relative atomic mass
    Average mass of an atom of an element, measured relative to carbon-12
  • Relative molecular mass
    Average mass of a molecule, measured relative to carbon-12
  • Relative isotopic mass
    Mass of an isotope of an element, measured relative to carbon-12
  • Mass spectrum
    • Shows mass-to-charge ratio on x-axis
    • Shows abundance (percentage or relative) on y-axis
  • Mass spectrum shows the isotopes present in an element
  • Isotopic mass
    The mass of an isotope which makes it relatively straightforward if it had two electrons knocked off which would be quite rare
  • If an isotope has two electrons knocked off
    The mass to charge ratio will be half as much
  • If the abundance is a percentage, the total abundance of all isotopes must be 100%
  • Most abundant isotope

    The most common isotope
  • Calculating relative atomic mass
    1. Abundance of isotope A * Mass to charge ratio of A
    2. + Abundance of isotope B * Mass to charge ratio of B
    3. Divide by total abundance
  • Molecular ion peak
    The last significant peak on a mass spectrum, shows the mass of the unfragmented molecule
  • Electron subshells
    • S
    • P
    • D
    • F
  • Electron subshells
    • S has 1 orbital, can hold 2 electrons
    • P has 3 orbitals, can hold 6 electrons
    • D has 5 orbitals, can hold 10 electrons
    • F has 7 orbitals, can hold 14 electrons
  • Electron configuration
    Represented as 1s2 2s2 2p6 etc, where the number is the shell, the letter is the subshell, and the number is the electrons in that subshell
  • Filling electron configurations
    1. Fill from lowest energy level upwards
    2. Fill orbitals singly first before pairing up
  • Transition metal electron configurations
    Electrons can move from 4s to 3d orbitals to create more stable half-full or full 3d subshells
  • Ionization
    The minimum energy required to remove one mole of electrons from one mole of atoms in the gaseous state
  • Removing electrons from an ion
    1. Remove electrons from 4s first
    2. Then remove from 3D
    3. Check the numbers to ensure total matches
  • Ionization energy
    Minimum amount of energy required to remove one mole of electrons from one mole of atoms in the gaseous state
  • Ionization energy is always endothermic and has a positive value
  • Shielding
    • The more shells or electron shells between the positive nucleus and the outer electron, the less energy is required and the weaker the attraction
  • Atomic size
    • The bigger the atom, the further away the electrons are from the nucleus, the weaker the attractive force, and the less energy required to remove the outer electron
  • Nuclear charge
    • The more protons in the nucleus, the bigger the attraction between the nucleus and the outer electron, and the more energy required to remove the electron
  • Successive ionization energy
    The removal of more than one electron from the same atom
  • There are distinctive jumps in successive ionization energies as electrons are removed from shells increasingly closer to the nucleus
  • As you go down a group (e.g. group 2)
    First ionization energy decreases
  • Reasons for decreasing first ionization energy down a group
    • Atomic radius increases, so electrons are further from nucleus and attractive force is weaker
    • Shielding increases, so attractive force between outer electrons and nucleus is weaker
  • As you go across a period
    First ionization energy generally increases
  • Reasons for increasing first ionization energy across a period
    • Nuclear charge increases, so attractive force between outer electrons and nucleus is stronger
    • Shielding is similar