I - there are differences in individuals ability to resist temptation during alluring social cues. in the ways they respond to "hot" cues and temptation -
N - Nature > study argues the influence of individual differences in brain function and resulting impulsive behaviour. however, the fact that low and high delaying participants were from - only used people at both ends of the scale, others who might show their ability to resist temptation as they got older were excluded as they weren't at the extreme end of the scale from the study and so nature may have played a big factor
S - very scientific, Mri objective way of collecting data and observing brain activity which is not open to bias, standardised procedure....
U - how we resist and increase success
R - reduce behaviour down to one factor. In this case resisinting to temptation is reduced to brain activity while it may have to do with other factors such as cognitive factors, mental thought processes or upbringing, developmental
E - ethical as participants were informed, withdraw which many participants used seen in sample reduction
D -deterministic, imply imposes the idea that if you are a low delayer you will have a hard time resisting temptation in adult hood