First node of crown is formed near the soil surface, crown roots start developing at this node
Lateral buds at nodes give rise to tillers, tiller initiation takes place 4 weeks after sowing
Jointing stage
Node production and active growth period, stem becomes visible with distinct nodes
Internodes begin to elongate, flag leaf and ear emerge
Grain development
Up to the end of soft dough stage of the grain
India ranks 2nd in wheat production in the world
Wheat growing zones in India
North West Plains Zone
North East Plains Zone
North West Hills Zone
Central Zone
Southern Hill Zone
Peninsular zone
Varietal improvement in India
Major breakthrough with introduction of Mexican Dwarf Wheat Ideotype in 1967-68, having Norin10 gene
Recommended wheat varieties for different zones in India
North West Plains Zone (NWPZ)
North East Plains Zone (NEPZ)
North West Hills Zone (NWHZ)
Central Zone
Southern Zone
Peninsular Zone
Categories of Indian Bread Wheat
Indian Amber Wheat
Indian Sona Wheat
Indian Pissi Wheat
Indian Hard Wheat
Durum wheat
Soils for wheat cultivation
Well drained loams and clay loams, alluvial soils of Gangetic plains, black cotton soils of central India, hilly soils of Himalaya, desert soils of Rajasthan
Climate for wheat cultivation
Cool and sunny winters are very conducive, temperature requirements: Germination 20-25°C, Accelerated growth 20-23°C, Proper grain filling 23-25°C
Wheat season in India
Grown during rabi or winter season, high temperatures at both ends of season restrict cultivation
Sowing and seed rate for wheat
Seeding time
Seed rate (kg/ha)
Time of sowing
Spacing (cm)
Seeding depth
Soil types for wheat cultivation in India
Alluvial soils of Punjab and Harayana
Black soils of central and southern India
Hilly soils of Himalaya
Desert soils of Rajasthan
Grown in tropical, sub-tropical and temperate climatic conditions
Major wheat area is under sub-tropical region
Cool and sunny winters are very conducive for growth
Temperature requirements for wheat growth stages
1. Germination: 20 to 25°C mean daily
2. Accelerated growth: 20 to 23°C mean daily
3. Proper grain filling: 23 to 25°C mean daily
Rabi season
Winterseason when wheat is grown in India
Sowing time and seed rate for wheat
Irrigated timely sown: 10-25 Nov, 100 kg/ha
Late sown irrigated: 25 Nov -25 Dec, 125 kg/ha
Rainfed timely sown: 15 Oct-30 Nov, 100 kg/ha
Optimum sowing time for wheat by zone
North western plains: 1st fortnight of Nov - short duration, 2nd fortnight of Nov - long duration
North eastern plains: 2nd week of Nov - short duration, 1st week of Nov - long duration
Peninsular zone: October 2nd fortnight for all varieties
Wheat sowing methods
Sowingbehindplough with hand (PORA)
Sowingbehindplough with seed drill (KERA)
FIRB - Furrowirrigatedraised bedsystem
Advantages of zero tillage wheat
Timely sowing
Better placement of seed and fertilizers
Less seed requirement
Less requirement of labour
Line sown and optimum plant stand
Easy inter-culture & management
Less cost, more profit
Preparatory cultivation for wheat
Well pulverised but compact seed bed required for good and uniform germination