Parts of Cestodes

Cards (9)

  • Scolex – Attachment organ
  • Rostellum - (bump like protrusion or hooks) used for attachment
  • Acetabula - Sucker
  • Neck – region of growth; point of proliferation for the next set of segments
  • Proglottids – segments (chain of segments; the farther, the more mature) stained with india ink
  • Apolysisdetachment of segments
    1. Gravid Proglottids
    2. Mature Proglottids
    3. Immature Proglottids
    4. Scolex
    A) Gravid Proglottids
    B) Mature Proglottids
    C) Immatue Proglottids
    D) Scolex
  • 2 types of Proglottids
    A) Apolytic
  • 2 types of Proglottids
    A) Anapolytic