the brain's tendancy to change and adapt as a result of experience
neuronal structures and functions are affected
impacts of plasticity as a result of life experience
BOYKE- elderly learns to juggle
when a 60 year old learns to juggle there's evidence of increased grey matter in the visual cortex
grey matters are gone when learning stopped
new experiences strengthen nerve pathways and unused nerve pathwatys die away
brain is constantly adapting to changing life experiences
plasticity strengths
Maguire analysed london taxi drivers' grey matter with MRI scanner compared to a control group
found taxi drivers have a bigger posteriori hippocampus meaning there's a positive correlation to amount of time spent as taxi driver (degree of experience)
decline with age
biological constraints
what is functional recovery?
recovery of mental processes that have been compromised by brain damage
the brain can rewire itself to regain lost functions
neurons beside damaged areas can form new circuits
what are the 2 mechanisms for recovery?
STEM CELLS - unspecialised cells that have the potential to become any other cell type
functional recovery strength
TAJIRI studied brain damaged rats and founf ecidence for stem cells in brain recovery and a solid stream of stem cells migrating to damaged site
functional recovery limitation
HUTTENLOCKER studied age difference in functional recovey and found functional recovery reduces with age