social learning theory

Cards (9)

  • social learning theory - 

    a way of explaining behaviour that included both direct and indirect reinforcement, combining learning theory with the role of cognitive factors
  • assumptions -
    • Bandura proposed different way in which people learn - through observation and imitation of others
    • SLT suggests that learning occurs directly and indirectly through classical and operant conditioning
  • vicarious reinforcement -
    • indirect learning of behaviours from observing the behaviours of others
    • learner may imitate this behaviour but only if the behaviour is seen to be rewarded rather than punished
    • learner observes a behaviour but most importantly also observes the consequences of a behaviour
  • role of meditational processes -
    • mental factors mediate in the learning process to determine whether a new response is acquired - 4 meditational processes in learning were identified by Bandura:
    • attention - the extent to which we notice certain behaviours
    • retention - how well the behaviour is remembered
    • motor reproduction - the ability of the observer to perform the behaviour
    • motivation - will to perform the behaviour, which is often determined by whether the behaviour was rewarded or punished
  • identification -
    • desire to be association with a particular person or group often because the person/ group possesses certain desirable characteristics
    • role model = the person they identify with - person becomes a role model if they are seen to process similar characteristics to the observer or are attractive and have high status - may not be present in the physical environment - important implications for the influence of media on behaviour
    • modelling = process of imitating a role model
  • evaluation of SLTL: cognitive factors (strength) -
    • P: recognises importance of cognitive factors in learning
    • E: classical or operant condition cant fully explain learning - humans and animals store info about behaviour of others and use this to make judgements about when its appropriate to perform certain actions
    • L: suggests that SLT provides a more comprehensive explanation of human learning by recognising the role of meditational processes
  • evaluation of SLT: cognitive factors counterpoint (limitation) -
    • P: criticised for making too little reference to influence of biological factors on social learning
    • E: Bandura claimed natural biological differences influenced our learning potential, however thought learning itself was determined by the environment
    • E: however research suggests observational learning may be result of mirror neurones in the brain
    • L: suggest biological influences were under-emphasised in SLT
  • evaluation of SLT: contrived lab studies (limitation) -
    • P: evidence gathered through lab studies
    • E: Bandura's ideas developed through observation of young kids behaviour in the lab
    • E: lab studies criticised for their contrived nature where participants may respond to demand characterised - children were behaving in a way they thought was expected
    • L: suggests that the research may tell us little about how children learn in everyday life
  • evaluation of SLT: real world application (strength) -
    • P: principles applied to a range of real-world behaviours
    • E: advantage of being able to explain cultural differences in behaviour
    • E: principles of modelling, imitation and reinforcement can account for how children learn from others around them including the media - and explain how social/cultural norms are transmitted through particular societies
    • L: increases value of approach as it can account for real world behaviour