biological approach

Cards (7)

  • biological approach assumptions -
    • suggests everything psychological is at first biological - so to fully understand human behaviour we must look to biological structures and processes within the body
    • mind lives in the brain - meaning all thoughts, feelings and behaviour ultimately have a physical basis
  • neurochemical basis of behaviour -
    • actions of chemicals in the brain
    • imbalance of neurochemicals in brain implicated as a possible cause of mental disorder - eg serotonin in OCD
  • genetic basis of behaviour -
    • psych characteristics eg intelligence inherited same way as height or eye colour
    • twin studies - analysing concordance rates - if genetic all identical twins (MZ) would be concordant whereas non-identical (DZ) twins wouldn't
    • in both cases environment is assumed to be constant
  • genotype and phenotype -
    • genotype = actual genetic makeup
    • phenotype = way genes are expressed through physical, behavioural and psychological characteristics
    • despite having same genes the phenotype of MZ twins is different
    • human behaviour depends on interactions between nature and nurture
  • evolution and behaviour -
    • evolution is a fact
    • Darwin - natural selection - main principle is any genetically determined behaviour that enhances an individuals survival will continue in future generations
    • in nature selection takes place naturally - selection occurs cause some traits give possessor certain advantages - more likely to survive reproduce and pass on these traits
  • evaluation of biological approach: real world application (strength) -
    • P: real world application
    • E: increased understanding of neurochemical processes in brain os associated with use of psychoactive drugs to treat mental disorders
    • E: eg promoted treatment of depression using antidepressant drugs
    • L: means people with depression may be better able to manage their condition and live normal lives
  • evaluation of biological approach: real world application counterpoint (limitation) -
    • P: antidepressant drugs are successful for many patients don't work for everyone
    • E: Cipriani et al (2018) compared 21 antidepressant drugs and found wide variations in effectiveness - most drugs more effective than placebos - concluded effects were mainly modest
    • L: challenges value of bio approach as it suggests brain chemistry alone may not account for all cases of depression