
Cards (4)

  • Outline Wundt's role in the emergence of psychology as a science
    Wilhelm Wundt founded the institute of experimental psychology (the first lab dedicated to psychology) in 1879. this was the first time it was acknowledged as a seperate science. he is considered to be fundamental in establishing psychology as a science though his use of the scientific method. he used 185 highly trained assistants to report how a stimulus (e.g. a metronome) made them feel and think to an observer.
  • What are the strengths of Wundts research?
    the method was operationalised by using the same stimus, physical sunoundings, and instructions with each person. from this wundt was able to break down consciousness into the basic components of thoughts and sensations, thus developing the theory of concious thought.

    in some significant ways, Wundts role was critical in establishing psychorogy as a science through his dedication to use the scientific method
  • What are the weaknesses of Wundts research
    even the most highly trained assistants were not consistent in their responses and different assistants often provided very different responses to the same stimus. additionally, the use of self report can encourage lying or bias from the participants. furthermore, introspection was of imited use in the sense that it is difficult to use that technique to study more complex things like laming. thus critics argued that Wundts introspection was not as important in the emergence of psycholagy as a science as the theories that came after it.
  • timeline of psychology
    1879 - wundt
    1900 - psychodynamic
    1913 - behaviourism
    1950 - humanism
    1960 - cognitive
    1960 - SLT
    1980 - biological
    21st century - cognitive neuroscience