Cards (10)

  • Outline SLT
    Social learning theory incorporates the behavioural principles of classical and operant conditioning, but also meditational processes. It suggests we learn through vicarious observation where we imitate a model because their behaviour has been reinforced. We are more likely to imitate models who are either similar to us or have high status. After observation, the following medial processes occur. attention ; retention (how well it is remembered) ; Motor reproduction (ability to perform) ; and Motivation (will to repeat, this is usually dependant on weather it is believed the behaviour will be reinforced).
  • Outline banduras research into SLT
    In Bandura's famous study he observed as children watched an adult (a role model) behave aggressively, both verbally and physically, towards a large inflatable doll, called a Bobo doll. He found that children who saw an aggressive model played more aggressively than children who saw a non-aggressive model. Children showed significantly more imitation of a same-sex model, and boys performed more acts of aggression than girls.
  • What are the strengths of SLT
    Lab conditions

    Comprehensive explanation - bridge between behaviourism and cognitivism

  • Elaborate on lab conditions as a strength of SLT
    One strength of this study the use of laboratory conditions. Through this a high degree of control over extraneous variables ensures they cannot confound the results allowing a cause and effect relationship to be established. Furthermore the standardisation of variables ensures they can be measured accurately, increasing the internal reliability which in turn increases the external reliability as it can be easily replicated.
  • Elaborate on comprehensive as an explanation for SLT
    Another strength of social learning theory is that it offers a more comprehensive explanation for behaviour than behaviourism as it accounts form meditational processes in learning as well as direct and indirect (vicarious) conditioning. Therefore, it is an improvement on previous explanations of learning behaviours.
  • Elaborate on RWA as a strength of SLT
    A final strength of social learning theory is that it has good real world application. It can explain why psychologists see cultural differences in behaviour as the theory suggests we learn from the environment around us. Additionally , it has shown how important is that adults, in particular parents and teachers, model positive behaviours for young children as they are likely to imitate them.
  • What are the weaknesses of SLT
    Artificial conditions

    Doesn't explain long term behaviour

    Ignores biological factors
  • Elaborate on artificial conditions as a weakness for SLT
    However, data collected may lack ecological validity as artificial conditions do not reflect real world scenarios questioning the generalisability of the results. Moreover there is a high risk of demand characteristics as participants may alter their behaviour based on their interpretation of the purpose of the experiment, for example the purpose of a bobo doll is to be hit.
  • Elaborate on not explaining long term behaviour as a weakness for SLT
    Additionally studies into Social Learning Theory are mainly conducted on children and rarely investigate adult behaviour. They also only look at the immediate changes in children's behaviour, so we do not know the long term effects. Therefore, studies like Bandura's only give us a snapshot of human behaviour, that is artificial, rather than a long term explanation.
  • Elaborate on ignoring biology as a weakness for SLT
    However, despite acknowledging cognitive factors it still sees behaviour as environmentally determined whereas some behaviours may be innate and not learnt. For example, it does not take any biological explanations of aggression into account. Lavine (1997) found increased levels of dopamine activity were associated with increased aggressive behaviour. Furthermore, Pillay (2000) found that levels of testosterone were positively correlated with levels of aggression. Therefore, this suggests social learning theory is not a complete theory of human behaviour.