Until about 100 years ago, violence against children and other family members was a private matter and was not or hardly considered criminal
Children were the property and responsibility of the father
Born into intimacy
Children born into a family unit where romantic attraction and intimacy play a primary role in forming the family
Importance of adult intimacy for children
Their parent's relationship is the first model of adult intimacy
Children are acutely sensitive to the quality of the interaction of the adults around them
Not only overt hostility predicts distress in children, but also signs that parents are disengaged or withdrawn from each other
Appraisal of conflict
1. Primary appraisal: What is going on - good, bad or neutral?
2. Secondary appraisal: IF BAD - why is there a conflict, have I done something wrong?
If the child's behavior does end the conflict
It will likely be repeated and reinforced, shaping models about attachment and intimacy
Highsatisfactionbetweenintimate partners
Related to secure parent-child relationship and positive interaction in families
Becoming accustomed to conflicts/arguments
Becoming increasingly reactive to exposure
Child does not become accustomed to conflicts between adults, negativity between parents remains a stress factor
Sensitizationhypothesis: A history of conflict reduces the threshold for the child to react negatively and increases reactivity to the conflict
Learn negotiation or competition for toys, playing together, sharing attention from parents
More sensitivity to differential (parental) treatment and fairness, development of theory of mind at an earlier age, development of social competence through experiences of conflict and support
A strong bond with a friend can make up for a weak sibling relationships. Not the other way around!
Effects of peer relationships
Motivation for empathy, shared imaginative play, broader social network, expectations about social status: acceptance or rejection from others
Sociometric testing
Four categories of social standing based on the question to name who they like and dislike within the group: popular, rejected, neglected or socially isolated, controversial
Erikson's stages
Adults: generativity versus stagnation, Adolescents/young adults: intimacy versus isolation
Intimate relationships in adolescence
Clear distinction between intimate relationships and friendships, understanding of intimacy becomes more sophisticated, often patterns repeat with siblings and friends
Transitions during adulthood
Cohabitation: precursor to marriage, coresidential daters, trial marriage, substitute marriage
Relationship satisfaction and attachment
Security = balance between autonomy and intimacy, insecure attachment is a defensive compromise in which either intimacy or autonomy appears to be sacrificed
Factors that influence the quality of intimate relationships
Four negative patterns that predict divorce: criticism, contempt, defensiveness, stonewalling
Intimacy in later life
Activity, wisdom, role in society
Specific life issues in later life
Mixed blessing of retirement, widowhood, loss of health/skills/social relationships/social roles, relational problems/conflicts, increasingly aware of mortality/discuss meaning of life
Autonomy in later life
Having a say in matters and being able to keep this up, active participation and contribution, freedom of choice and the possibility to shape your own individuality
In later life, about 50% have psychological problems
Potential tips for good (mental) health in later life
Check your blood pressure regularly, lead a physically and socially active life, invest in positive relationships (break up unsatisfying relationships, manage conflicts with more affection and less hostility, more time with close family members and friends)