Fish farming

Cards (15)

  • Protection from intraspecific competition means the fish will not be eaten by predators
  • Protection from interspecific means that younger fish are kept separate from the older ones so that they are not eaten by them
  • Selective breeding in fish farming is the long term process is to improve desirable traits such as production efficiency, disease resistance and product quality
  • Selective breeding 

    involved choosing parents with particular characteristics to breed together and produce offspring with more desirable chracteristics
  • Intraspecific competition

    Members of the same species compete for food
  • Interspecific competition

    Competition between individuals of different species
  • fish is a good source of high quality protein
  • fish farming advantages
    • water quality can be monitored
    • temperature can be monitored
    • oxygen levels
    • water clarity
    • amount of chlorophyll because it increases algal boom (toxic to fish)
  • air can be pumped to increase the amount of oxygen in the water
  • water is pumped through filtration units to remove the waste products of the fish
  • enclosing the fish protects them from predators and pesticides are used to kill parasites. diseases can be stopped by treating it with antibiotics. antibiotics may not have degraded by the time the fish are eaten by humans which adds to the problem of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
  • small fish may be eaten by larger fish so they are regularly sorted by size and placed into different tanks
  • selective breeding can be used to improve the quality of the fish. they are bread to produce faster growth and to be less aggressive
  • potential spread of disease is greater than normal because the animals are closer together
  • fish farms produce organic material from the animals' faeces. this contaminates the water outside the fish farm which can lead to eutrophication