American Factory System Notes

Cards (17)

  • What is meant by "Industrial Revolution?"
    A shift from goods made by hand to factory and mass production
  • Why was America slow to embrace the factory system?
    1. Scarce labor
    2. Little capital
    3. Superiority of British factories
  • Who is considered to be the "Father of the American Factory System?"
    Samuel Slater
  • Where did Slater build his mill? What did it produce?
    Pawtucket, Rhode Island. It produced textiles (cotton)
  • Who made the American mills superior to the British?
    Francis C. Lowell
  • What invention helped him to do this?
    The power loom
  • Who were "factory girls?"
    Young girls who (most of them) left farmwork to pursue factory work
  • How many hours per week did factory girls work?
    6 days a week, 13 hours per day; which means a 78 hour work week
  • Why were they supervised so closely outside of the mill?
    There was a chance they'd get married, and the mill would lose their workers
  • By 1850, what percentage of women were working outside the home?

  • What concept were women slowly breaking away from?
    The cultural idea that glorifies the woman's role as homemaker
  • Why did the average family size decline at this time?
    Women are waiting longer to get married, as there was increased power and independence
  • What are "wage slaves?" What are some of the conditions that existed in these factories

    People that deal with not ideal working conditions. Ex., long hours, low wages, unsanitary conditions, lack of heat, etc.
  • What role did children have in the factories?
    Half of industrial workers were children under 10. They were cheap workers who could more easily fix machines
  • Which political party tended to support workers' rights?
    Democratic party
  • What were some of the rights workers sought?
    Shorter work days, higher wages, better working conditions
  • How did the Commonwealth v. Hunt decision help workers?
    Supreme Court ruled that unions were not illegal as long as they were peaceful