Manifest Destiny Notes

Cards (16)

  • Who coined the phrase "manifest destiny?"
    Newspaper editor John O'Sullivan in 1845
  • What does manifest destiny mean?
    The 19th century belief that America would inevitably expand westward to the Pacific Ocean and Mexican Territory
  • What are the three major reasons Americans moved west?
    1. Many Americans had personal economic problems (Panic of 1837)
    2. Abundance of land in the West was enticing to those who wanted a "fresh start"
    3. Land owning (for farming or speculation) was an important step towards prosperity
  • Who was most likely to move west?
    • Farmers
    • Miners (seeking gold and other precious ore)
    • Merchants (seeking new markets)
  • What was the original purpose of the Oregon Trail?
    To set up missionary schools to:
    • Convert Native Americans to Christianity
    • To civilize
  • Where did the Oregon Trail start and end?
    Began in Independence, Missouri, and ended in Portland, Oregon
  • Who had followed a similar route to the Oregon Trail?
    Lewis and Clark
  • What were some of the hazards of the Oregon Trail?
    • Trip took months
    • Many walked, pushing heavy handcarts
    • People died from fever, cholera, diarrhea, and were buried alongside the trail
    • Caravans were attacked by Native Americans
    • Many suffered from loneliness and despair
  • What does the painting suggest about the Oregon Trail?

    That the trail was lovely and that it was a wonderful experience
  • What happened to the Donner Party?
    Only 45/83 of them survived (cannibalism and 5ft of snow)
  • Why did the Mormons migrate west?
    They were forced to because angry neighbors protested polygamy
  • What happened to the Mormon leader?
    He was arrested and charged for treason when he broke the printing press of his neighbors, because they printed about the Mormon practices. An Anti-Mormon mob killed Joseph Smith (the leader and creator) and his brother.
  • Who takes over as the Mormon leader?
    Brigham Young
  • Where does he lead them to?
    Near the Great Salt Lake in present day Utah
  • What caused the Aroostook War?
    The explosion of Canadian lumberjacks in the disputed area of Aroostook by Maine officials
  • What resulted from the Webster-Ashburton Treaty?
    Maine Boundary Settlement