
Cards (6)

  • Non-communicable diseases cannot be transferred between people or organisms.
  • Non-communicable diseases include cancer, diabetes, heart disease, neurological & genetic diseases.
  • Benedict's solution tests for sugars.
    It turns from blue to green, yellow, orange and brick red depending on the amount of sugar in a solution.
    It must be done at 80 degrees.
  • Iodine solution is used to test for starch.
    It will turn blue black if positive.
  • Biuret reagent tests for proteins.
    It turns from blue to purple if positive.
    Should be shaken.
  • Ethanol or sudan III is used to test for lipids.
    Ethanol goes cloudy if positive.
    The food should be crushed and the liquid filtered away from it to see the result into another test tube.