Manifest Destiny Notes II

Cards (17)

  • Why were Presidents Jackson and Van Buren hesitant to add Texas as a state to the United States?
    It would upset Northern voters who didn't want another slave state added
  • Which two countries had a claim on the Oregon Territory?
    The United States and Britain
  • What was the major question concerning the Oregon Territory?

    Which country does the territory belong to?
  • What issue caused debate over the expansion of the United States? Why?
    Slavery caused debate because the North wanted to see Oregon added (another free state), and Southerners wanted Texas added (another slave state). North didn't want Texas, and vice versa
  • Why did John Tyler run for re-election as a Democrat in 1848?
    Because he had been disowned by the Whig Party and wanted to add Texas and Oregon
  • Why did the Democrats choose James Polk as their candidate instead of Tyler?
    Because he pleases both the North and the South with his agenda of adding both Texas and Oregon
  • Who is Polk's opponent in 1848? What party is he from? Who wins?
    Henry Clay from the Whig Party. Polk won
  • Why was James Polk popular in both the North and the South?
    Texas was annexed by the US in 1845
    Oregon is added to the US by the Buchanan-(something) Treaty
  • Why did Polk not want war with Britain over Oregon?
    He feared war over disputed territory with Mexico
  • How was the Oregon Territory divided between the US and Britain?

    Using the Webster-Ashburton Treaty drawn on the 49th parallel
  • What territory was disputed between the US and Mexico?
    Territory that was originally part of Texas Territory
  • Why does the US realize war is the only option against Mexico?
    Mexico refused to meet with the advisor of the negotiation deal
  • What general was able to lead troops deep into Mexico?
    General Zachary Taylor
  • What is the name of the peace treaty the Mexicans are forced to sign?
    Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty
  • What territory is gained by the US as a result of the treaty?
    The Mexican Cession
  • What discovery was made in California in 1848?
    Gold is discovered
  • What resulted after the discovery? What was the overall effect on California?
    A massive migration of miners to CA in 1849. 400,000 people traveled to California