Static Electricity

Cards (10)

  • How electrons can be moved from one insulator to another
    1. Rub insulators together
    2. Electrons move from one insulator to the other
  • Static electricity
    Charge buildup that occurs when electrons are transferred between insulators
  • Static electricity
    Can lead to sparking
  • Conductors
    • Metals - electrons can easily flow through
  • Insulators
    • Plastic, glass, cloth - electrons cannot move through
  • Van de Graaff generator
    1. Moving belt transfers electrons from top roller to bottom roller
    2. Top region becomes positively charged
  • Van de Graaff generator with metal dome
    Dome acts as a store of positive charge
  • Person holding Van de Graaff generator dome
    Person becomes positively charged, hair stands on end
  • Static electricity during aircraft refueling
    Can cause sparks and explosions
  • To prevent static charge buildup during aircraft refueling, both refueling truck and airplane are earthed