Approaches- humanistic

Cards (8)

  • humanism assumptions?
    free will, holistic, idographic approach and people want to self actualize
  • Methodology?
    qualitative, case studies, informal interviews and content analysis
  • Strengths?
    applied to person-centred therapy, education- open classroom and student centred learning. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is widely used in health and social work as a framework for assessing clients’ needs.
  • Limitations?
    unscientific, ethnocentric, free will opposition to deterministic laws of science. Subjective explanations will be distorted by Freudian defence mechanisms.
  • Maslow Hierarchy? bottom of pyramid to the top
    Physiological needs -> safety and security -> love and belonging -> self esteem -> self-actualization
  • the self?
    self-esteem, self-image and ideal self.
  • applications?
    Client-centred therapy aims to increase clients’ self-worth and decrease the incongruence between the self-concept and the ideal self.
  • culturally biased?
    imposed etic- Nevis found that countries such as China and India are more collectivist.