Cards (18)

  • thermoregulation - process of maintaining internal core temperature
  • thermoreceptors - sensory receptors which sense a change in temperature and relay information to the brain
  • dehydration - loss of water in body tissues, largely caused by sweating
  • thermoregulation - maintaining internal core temperature
    • human body temperature = 37 degrees
    • thermoreceptors; detect changes in temperature
    • if core temperature rises, metabolic heat is transported by the circulating blood to the surface of the body & released by convection and evaporation (sweat)
    • athletes exercising in the heat can lose 2-3 litres per hour
    • if fluid is not replaced, blood volume decreases and causes dehydration, which impairs the ability of the body to thermoregulate and core temperature will rise
  • humidity - the amount of water in the atmospheric air
  • low humidity - increases sweating
  • high humidity - decreases sweating
  • hyperthermia - significantly raised core body temperature
  • causes of hyperthermia:
    • high and prolonged exercise intensities
    • high air temperatures
    • high relative humidity
  • cardiovascular drift - upward drift of heart rate during sustained steady state activity associated with a rise in body temperature due to hot environments
  • cardiovascular drift:
    • redirection of blood flow to the skin for cooling this limits blood flows to the muscle and venous return
    • rise in core temperature alters the function of protein molecules e.g enzymes and receptors and affects the rate of chemical reactions
  • effect of heat, humidity and body's response of cardiovascular system:
    • dilation of arterioles and capillaries to the skin, leading to;
    -increased blood flow and blood pooling at the limbs
    • decreased blood volume, venous return, stroke volume, cardiac output and blood pressure, leading to;
    -increased heart rate to compensate
    -increased strain on cardiovascular system
    -reduces oxygen transport to the working muscles
  • effect of heat & humidity on the respiratory system:
    • dehydration & drying of the airways in temperatures above 32 degrees making breathing difficult leading to;
    -increased mucus production
    -constriction of airways
    -decreased volume of air for gaseous exchange
    • increased breathing frequency to maintain oxygen consumption leading to; increased oxygen cost of exercise
    • high levels of sunlight increase the effect of pollutants in the air, causing; increased irritation of airways, leading to coughing, wheezing or asthma symptoms
  • overall effect of heat on CV and RS:
    • increased oxygen cost of activity and decreased aerobic energy production
    • shifts emphasis to anaerobic energy production using carbohydrate stores more quickly
    • exercise duration decreases due to lactic acid accumulating more readily, leading to early fatigue
    • strength endurance and aerobic capacity reduced, declining performance in mid to long distance events
    • athletes with exercise induced asthma must take precautions
  • heat effect on performer:
    • at higher temperatures, perceived exertion will feel higher for the performer
    • strength and endurance based activities are affected differently due to the different intensity duration and opportunity for fluid intake
    • hyperthermia does not affect maximal strength production - explosive and maximal events unaffected
    • the longer the event, the greater the effect on performance
    • the more elite the endurance athletes, the lower impact the impact of heat due to physiological adaptations, precaution taken and acclimitisation.
  • Precaution procedures: Pre-competition
    • Acclimatise to increased temperatures. 7-14 days of
    acclimatisation increases the body’s tolerance to heat by:
    -Increasing plasma volume, the onset and rate of sweating, and the
    efficiency of cardiac output distribution
    -Decreasing the loss of electrolytes within the sweat, which limits
    fatigue and cramping
    -Decreasing heart rate at a given pace and temperature
    • Use cooling aids such as ice vests to reduce core temperature and
    delay the effect of high temperatures and dehydration
  • Precaution Procedures: During Competition
    • Use pacing strategies to alter goals and reduce feelings of exertion at low-exercise intensities
    • Wear suitable clothing that maximises heat loss, removing sweat from skin rapidly, such as lightweight compression wear
    • Rehydrate as much as possible with a hypotonic or isotonic solution that replaces primarily lost fluids but also glucose and the electrolytes lost through sweat.
  • Precaution Procedure: Post Competition
    • Cooling aids, such as cold towels and cold fans, aid the return of core body temperature gradually
    • Rehydrate using isotonic solutions that replace lost fluids, glucose and electrolytes