Physics Topic 4

Cards (11)

  • What are the 3 types of radiation?
    Alpha, gamma and beta
  • What are the 2 types of decay equations?
    Alpha decay: Larger nuclei. Nucleus ejects a helium nucleus (2 protons + 2 neutrons). Alpha radiation.
    241 237 4
    Am -> Np + He
    95 93 2
    Beta decay: Smaller nuclei. A neutron decays into a proton and electron. The high speed electron is beta radiation.
    14 14 0
    C -> N + e-
    6 7 -1
  • What can all three types of nuclear radiation do?
    Ionise other atoms which is dangerous to living organisms.
  • How can we detect radiation?
    With a Geiger-Muller (GM) tube
  • What can alpha radiation be absorbed by?
  • What can beta radiation be absorbed by?
    A few mm of aluminium
  • What can gamma radiation be reduced by?
    Gamma radiation's intensity can be reduced by lead & concrete
  • What is radioactivity?
    The rate of decay in a sample of radioactive material. This is equal to the rate of the radiation emitted.
    The unit of radioactivity is Bq (becquerel)
  • What is half-life?
    The time it takes for the activity/radioactivity to halve
  • What is nuclear fission?
    Splitting of a larger/heavier nucleus into two daughter nuclei, releasing energy used to create electricity.
  • What is nuclear fusion?
    Joining of two light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, releasing energy.