
Subdecks (1)

Cards (20)

  • what view do functionalists take on education?
  • education performs several functions
    -providing specialist skills for work
    -allocating people to different work roles
  • Durkheim - two main functions of sociology
    -social solidarity
    -specialist skills
  • social solidarity - Durkheim 

    -individual members must feel themselves to be part of something bigger > community
    -education system does this through transmitting society's culture, shard beliefs & values
    -schools acts as 'society in miniature' > preparing for life in wider society
  • according to Durkheim, what does school act as?

    -society in miniature
    -preparing for life in wider society
  • specialist skills - Durkheim
    -in modern industrial economy there's complex, specialised division of labour
    -must be taught specialist skills for this to work
    -education must provide specialist skills & knowledge
  • meritocracy as a bridge - Parsons

    -education is bridge between family & wider society
    -bridge needed because family & wider society operate on different principles
    -children need to learn new way of living if they're to cope with wider world
  • meritocracy > particularistic standards 

    given unconditional love solely by family
    -with no/little expectations
  • meritocracy - universalistic standards 

    treated/judged by standards that're applied to all
  • meritocracy > status - Parsons
    -argues in family, child's status is ascribed
    -person's status in wider society is generally achieved
    > promotions/sacked
    > pass/fail through own efforts
    -school prepares us to move from family to wider society > both based on meritocratic principles
    -pupils have equal opportunities to achieve based on effort & ability
  • why does Parsons believe school prepares us to move from family to wider society?
    they're both based on meritocratic principles
  • role allocation - Davis & Moore
    -school perform the function of selecting & allocating pupils to future work roles
    -by assessing students abilities, school help match to suitable job
  • what do Davis & Moore focus on?
    -relationship between education & social inequality
    -argue inequality is necessary to ensure most important roles in society are filled by most talented people
  • what function do Davis & Moore say school performs?
    -selecting & allocating pupils to their future work roles
  • sorting & sifting - Davis & Moore
    -school 'sorts & sifts' students so most able get best qualifications and in turn go on to get best jobs