Intro To Periodontitis and Gingivitis

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  • What is periodontology?

    The study of the periodontium in health and disease
  • What is the periodontium?
    The supporting tissues of the teeth, including surrounding: gingiva, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone and root cementum.
  • What is periodontitis?
    Inflammation of the supporting tissues of the teeth, triggered by the accumulation of the plaque around the teeth.

    As a result there can be receding gums/tooth loss
  • How can you treat periodontal disease?
    Lifestyle changes
    Mechanical removal of deposits
    Periodontal surgery
    Mucogingival surgery (gum graft)
  • Why is periodontology important?
    Number one cause of tooth loss
    Negative impact on quality of life
  • What do healthy gums look like?
    They're pink, there's scalloping of the gums around the teeth, and stippling of the attached gingiva
  • What is gingivitis?

    Infammation of the gingiva, in response to plaque
  • What are the different types of gingiva?
    Attached gingiva
    Gingival margin
    Free gingiva
    Mucogingival juction
  • What are the clinical features of gingivitis?
    ErythemaOedemaAbsence of stippling on attached gingivaBleeding on probingBleeding on brushing
    gingivitis is completely reversible, however if gingivitis is not resolved, it can develop to periodontitis!
  • What is periodontitis?
    Chronic inflammatory condition affecting supporting tissues of the teeth leading to permanent damage of teeth and bone loss
  • What are the signs of periodontitis?
    All the signs of gingivitis plus:
    Halitosis (bad breath)
    Pocket formation
    Gingival recession (receding gums)
    Tooth mobility
    Tooth drifting
  • What does the periodontium consist of?
    Gingiva, periodontal ligament, cementum, alveolar bone
  • Compare a healthy mouth with that of gingivitis and periodontitis.