GDC Principles

Cards (18)

  • What is GDC standard 1?
    Put patients' interests first
  • Guidance for GDC standard 1:
    1.1 To be listened to and have their preferences and concerns taken into account
    1.3 You must be honest and act with integrity.
    1.7 That their interests will be put before financial gain and business needs
    (There is more on the website but these are points that are mainly linked to exam Q’s)
  • What is GDC Standard 2?

    Communicate effectively with patients
  • Guidance for GDC standard 2:
    2.1 To receive full, clear and accurate information that they can understand, before, during and after treatment, so that they can make informed decisions in partnership with the people providing their care.
    2.2 A clear explanation of the treatment, possible outcomes and what they can expect
  • What is GDC standard 3?
    Obtain valid consent
  • Guidance for GDC standard 3:
    3.1 Must obtain valid consent before starting treatment, explaining all the relevant options and costs.
    3.2 Ensure the patient understands the decisions they are being asked to make
    3.3 Ensure the patients consent remains valid at each stage of treatment
    Consent can be: Written, verbal, informed, implied
  • What is GDC standard 4?
    Maintain and protect patients information
  • Guidance for GDC standard 4:
    4.1 Must be contemporaneous, complete and kept accurate patient records
    4.2 Must protect the confidentiality of patients’ information and only use it for the purpose it was given.
    4.3 Must only release a patients information without their permission in exceptional circumstances
    4.4 Ensure patient has access to their records
    4.5 Must keep patients information secure at all times, whether they are held electronically or on paper
  • What is GDC standard 5?

    Have a clear and effective complaints procedure
  • Guidance for GDC standard 5:
    5.1 Make sure there is an effective complaints procedure available for patients to use and follow.
    5.2 Respect a patients right to complain
    5.3 Give patients who complain a prompt and constructive response
  • What is GDC standard 6?
    Work with colleagues in a way that is in the patients' best interests.
  • Guidance for GDC standard 6:
    6.1 must work effectively with colleagues and contribute to good teamwork
    6.2 Must be appropriately supported when treating patients
    6.4 Only accept a referral/delegation if you are trained and competent to carry out the treatment and you believe what you are being asked to do is appropriate for the patient.
    6.5 Communicate clearly and effectively with other team members and colleagues in the interests of the patients.
    6.6 effective management and leadership skills
  • What is GDC standard 7?
    Maintain, develop and work within your professional knowledge and skills.
  • Guidance for GDC standard 7:
    7.1 provide good quality care based on current evidence and authoritative guidance
    7.2 You must work within your knowledge, skills, professional competence and abilities
    7.3 Must update and develop your professional knowledge and skills throughout your working life
  • What is GDC standard 8?
    Raise concerns if a patient is at risk
  • Guidance for GDC standard 8:
    8.1 ALWAYS put patients safety first
    8.2 Act promptly if patients/colleagues are at risk and take measures to protect them
    8.5 Take appropriate action if you have concerns about the possible abuse of children or vulnerable adults
  • What is GDC standard 9?
    Make sure your personal behaviour maintains patients' confidence in you and the dental profession
  • Guidance for GDC standard 9:
    9.1 Ensure that your conduct at work/personal life justifies patients trust in you and the publics trust in the dental profession
    9.3 Must inform GDC if you are subject to criminal proceedings or a regulatory finding is made against you anywhere in the world.
    9.4 Must co-operate with any relevant formal/informal inquiry and give full truthful information