Cards (5)

    1. use ammeter to measure current, voltmeter to measure pd
    2. attach wire to m ruler using tape and connect wire to the rest of circuit using 2 crocodile clips directly starting from 0
    3. move crocodile clips further apart to increase length of the wire in circuit
    4. change the length of wire 4 times and measure the resistance using R= V/I
    5. plot results and get a directly proportional graph
    1. voltmeter= pd across resistor milliammeter= current through resistor
    2. record values in table
    3. adjust variable resistor and record the new readings on the voltmeter and ammeter and do several times
    4. switch direction of the battery = pd is reversed
    5. repeat 1-3
    6. plot a graph this a IV CURVE result =
    1. place small beaker inside larger beaker
    2. use kettle to boil water
    3. pour 80cm3 of hot water into small b
    4. use piece of cardboard as lid with hole for large b
    5. place thermometer through hole and measure initial temp and start stopwatch
    6. record temp every 3 mins for 15mins
    7. repeat using same volume of hot water with 2 newspaper wrapped around gap between 2 beakers
    8. repeat steps 1-6 and use different number of layers (4,6) each time with same volume of water and temp
    9. record results on table and plot graph
  • SHC:
    1. place beaker on top pan balance and press 0
    2. add oil to beaker and record mass
    3. place thermometer and immersion heater into oil and read starting temp of oil
    4. wrap beaker with insulating form to reduce thermal energy transfer to surroundings
    5. connect joulemeter n powerpack to immersion heater
    6. time for 30mins = temp to rise enough
    7. read no of joules of energy passed into heater and read final temp of oil
    8. use equation [insert] change in thermal/ mass x temp change
  • how to find the volume of irregular object:
    1. fill eureka can with water
    2. place object into water= water will be displaced and flow out of the can thru the spout
    3. measure volume of water displaced