
Cards (12)

  • Define a Joint
    articulation connecting cartilage or bone
  • Functions of a joint
    strength and mobility
  • Two parts of a skelton
    Axial and Appendicular
  • Fibrous
    allow little to no movement
    Bone - Fibrous tissue - Bone
  • 3 examples of Fibrous Joints
    1. Sutures (short fibres, only in skull)

    2. Gomphoses (tooth in socket)

    3. Syndesmoses (longer fibres eg- tibiofibular joints- arm)
  • Cartilaginous
    Bone - Cartilage/Fibrocartilage - Bone

    Little movement with shock absorbers and protection
  • Type 1 Cartilaginous- Synchondrosis
    Also known as primary cartilaginous
    example- epiphyseal plate (at end makes new cartilage)
  • Type 2 Cartilaginous- Symphysis
    Also known as secondary cartilaginous

    Bone- Cartilage - Fibrocartilage - Cartilage - Bone

    Important for compression and resistance

    Only found in the midline

    Example: intervertebral disc
  • Synovial Joint
    Bone - Cartilage - Synovial Cavity - Cartilage - Bone

    Separated with fluid= generous movement
  • Classification of Synovival
    1. Hinge
    2. Pivot
    3. Condyloid
    4. Saddle
    5. Ball and socket
    6. Plane/ gliding
  • Axial Classification of Synovial Joints
    1. Uniaxial
    2. Biaxial
    3. Multiaxial
  • Factors of Stability
    1. Shape of articular surfaces
    2. Ligaments reduce movement
    3. Toning in Muscles
    4. Support through fascia and skin
    5. Atmospheric pressure