alpha scattering experiment and nuclear model

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  • Atom
    Tiny sphere that cannot be divided
  • In 1897, scientists discovered that atoms contain tiny negative particles called electrons
  • Plum pudding model
    Atom is a ball of positive charge with negative electrons embedded in it
  • Alpha scattering experiment
    1. Fired alpha particles at gold foil
    2. Most alpha particles passed straight through
    3. Some alpha particles were deflected
    4. Some alpha particles bounced straight back
  • Results of alpha scattering experiment
    • Atoms are mainly empty space
    • Center of atom has positive charge that repelled alpha particles
    • Mass of atom is concentrated in the center
  • Nuclear model
    Most of the atom is empty space, with a tiny positive nucleus containing almost all the mass, and negative electrons orbiting the nucleus
  • Electron energy levels/shells
    Electrons orbit the nucleus at specific distances
  • Positive charge in nucleus is due to positive particles called protons
  • Nucleus also contains neutral particles called neutrons