
Cards (9)

  • Radioactive decay
    The process where some isotopes have an unstable nucleus and give up radiation to become stable
  • Types of nuclear radiation
    • Alpha particle
    • Beta particle
    • Gamma ray
    • Neutron
  • Alpha particle
    Consists of two protons and two neutrons, same as the nucleus of a helium atom
  • Beta particle
    An electron ejected from the nucleus at high speed, formed when a neutron changes into a proton and an electron
  • Gamma ray

    A type of electromagnetic radiation from the nucleus, not a particle
  • Neutron
    Can be given up by an unstable nucleus
  • Radioactive decay is a completely random process, scientists cannot predict when a nucleus will decay
  • Activity
    The rate at which unstable nuclei decay, measured in Becquerels (Bq)
  • Count rate
    The number of decays recorded each second by a detector like a Geiger-Muller tube, not the same as activity due to background radiation