Alpha , Beta and Gamma

Cards (11)

  • Alpha particles

    • Large, can travel around 5 cm in air before colliding with air particles and stopping
  • Beta particles

    • Can travel further than alpha particles, around 15 cm in air before stopping
  • Gamma radiation

    • Can travel much further than alpha or beta particles, several meters in air before stopping
  • Penetrating power
    Tells us what type of material is required to stop each form of radiation
  • Penetrating power of alpha particles

    • Relatively easy to stop, stopped by a single sheet of paper
  • Penetrating power of beta particles
    • Harder to stop than alpha, need a few millimeters of aluminium to stop
  • Penetrating power of gamma radiation
    • Hardest to stop, need several centimeters of lead to stop
  • Ionizing power

    Ability of radiation to cause atoms to lose electrons and form ions
  • Ionizing power of alpha particles
    • Very strongly ionizing, can produce a lot of ions when colliding with material
  • Ionizing power of beta particles
    • Quite strongly ionizing, but not as ionizing as alpha particles
  • Ionizing power of gamma radiation

    • Only weakly ionizing